If you have a little guy & are desperately searching for something as cute as that little dress in the girls section, look no further. Each week, I'm going to (try to remember to) share where I find some of my favorite baby boy clothes. Meet "LITTLE PICKS". For all of you that have girls, I share no pity for you, as you're life is easy when it comes to clothes. You'll endure your share of hardships when she's 13. #karma
First stop: the easy, simple, super cute & always there - BABY GAP.
Some of Baylor's cutest things are from Baby Gap. I always scour the sale rack first as some of their prices can get a little high, but the staples are totally worth the price.
Some of my favs: cotton pants, long sleeve tees and statement pieces like hats, hoodies and fun rompers (yep, boys can rock those little numbers too!). Another pro about the Baby Gap -- when you shop online, they share a 'shopping cart' with Old Navy (I dont usually find a ton here, but always do a quick browse incase there's something we have to have!).
Baylor has a few things shown above - the fedora is PERFECT in the sun and really comfy (we put some serious wear on his in Mexico), the denim is hands down my favorite -- soft, durable and easy on/off, and the cotton pants are his favs (ok, my fav, but whatev). The rest? Well, they're on our wishlist and may find there way to our closet very soon.

You really can't go wrong with Baby Gap, especially for little boys. Classic, not dorky & super cozy.
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I looooove baby gap. Most baby boy clothes are not brag worthy, but they've got some adorable pieces.
If you want to buy cute baby sleepsuits for boys & girls online at best prices in Singapore, then visit Little Kooma.
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