Fall is finally here and I sort of feel like I've waited my whole year life for this :) Summer is great & all, but I play hard core favorites and in this instance, it's fall. Can't beat the crisp air, the pumpkin patches and the feeling like everything is right again when festivities resume.
I wanted to share a few of my favorite fall things with you, because I want you to love fall just as much as I do. Collin thinks I'm nuts, and Baylor has totally jumped on my bandwagon, assuming his "concerned citizen" status by worrying about every store or place we go to that hasn't yet decorated for Halloween. I totally agree with him - get on it, people! We also drove by the pumpkin patch today and he begged that I call them to find out when they open - he's dying to get his chubby little fingers on an orange pumpkin. He's going to make a bitchin' husband one day. :)

All of these things are total favorites around here - the easiest plates for kids in the most festive colors, perfect halloween jammies that fit everyone, the cutest book about a Fox who is confused about falling leaves (very pertinent for a very curious 4 yr. old), the most delicious smelling fall candle I've found, perfect halloween cookie cutters (that crooked witch hat is amazing!), and our favorite hand soap, which also comes in counter spray & dish soap, in the most festive of scents!
Hope your weekend plans consist of comfort food, football, and kicking your feet up - TREAT YO' SELF!
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