donut cravings ... they're real

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I had a long line of errands that had to be done this morning, one of which included going all the way to Tacoma to get Baylor's birth certificate (8 months later ... stop judging me right now, this is no indication of what kind of parents we are). Anyways, I had to do this because he still doesn't have a passport and we're leaving for  M E X I C O (thank you JESUS!) in 2 weeks. Passport turn around time is usually 4-6 weeks, so I'm kind of screwed unless I pay an arm & a leg, which is precisely what I will be doing tomorrow (at least I'll have a donut for the drive... see below).

ANNYWAYYS... I have had a serious obsession with donuts lately, especially of the chocolate/sprinkle variation. Not like "oh, I'd love a donut right now", but more like "if I don't get a donut today, I'm going to go all honey-boo-boo on you." Seriously, up at 6 am thinking about donuts for the last like 3 days. And no, to all you deep thinkers, I can assure you that I'm not pregnant. I just really love donuts.

So, I filled my car with gas, stopped at Starbucks (drive-thru, thankyouverymuch) and made my way down the hill where I couldn't resist everything in my mind telling me to get off the exit and go to WINCO (where the best donuts in the world are made, they're SO legit). I loaded B up in the stroller and beelined it for the donut case. There may as well have been a ticker tate parade leading the way because it was SUCH a proud & exciting moment for me. ( i know this all sounds really dumb, but thats because it is). I loaded up my box with six donuts, nope, not 12, just 6. 12 is sort of like you're having a party or something, where 6 seems a little more manageable (read: breakfast for the entire week, can i get an AMEN). So that's that, I ate 2 of the 6 on my way to the Health Building and when I left, I felt like I wanted to eat the other 4 to drown my sorrows, because the Health Building is everything but healthy...seriously. GROSS.

So just consider this my salute to you, chocolate sprinkle donut.

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