8 Months of Winnie Wilde

Sunday, July 24, 2016

8 months has always been most most favorite pre-one year milestone with the kids (aside from those first few days home from the hospital - because that's presumably what heaven is like). Winnie is already 8 months old and has been SO much fun lately. She's pulling herself up on everything (and has the war wounds to show for it, crawling like something's on fire, and has a few new additions in the teeth department, which is great 90% of the time ;) 

She laughs, loves to play chase, pulls your hair, and scrunches her nose like a piggy - how I don't die every time I see that cuteness, is unknown to me. Eating is definitely her favorite activity and she powers down 1 or 2 food pouches at every meal. If she's sitting next to Bellamy, she gets a much bigger cut of dinner than I probably even realize. She LOVES to see her brother & sister (despite risking her life in their hands, regularly), and only says one word: "dada". I mean honestly, I have no hard feelings about it ............ 

monthly onesies via 

A few of her favorite things: 
These teethers are the perfect size, and easily the favorite around here. I've mentioned these diapers before, but have to add them to the list, because there's nothing quite as great. She's really become attached to her blankie and her "bun-bun" as we affectionately call it. And these shorts are hands-down my favorite thing to put her in for the dog-days of summer. 

Happy 8 months to you, Winners! We love you and can't imagine breakfasts without your chubby cheeks full of applesauce, nap time without your warm snuggs, or any time without that beaming smile, that little dimple in your left cheek or those big open mouth kisses that melt us all to pieces! 

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